G14-01 | The Results of the Geological Mapping in a Broader Surroundings of Šumperk, the Jeseníky Mts, Czech Republic |
G14-02 | Mantle Lithosphere of the French Massif Central: Three Domains Derived from Seismic Anisotropy |
G14-03 | Origin and Exhumation of UHPM Rocks their Tectonic Significance |
G14-04 | Deformation of Creataceous Complex in the Eastern Part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin and Nysa Graben (SW Poland) – a Geological Map Analysis |
G14-05 | AMS and Deformation Patterns in The Jawornickie Granitoids,Rychlebske Hory – Preliminary Data |
G14-06 | Earthquake Swarms in the Major Focal Zone of the West Bohemia/Vogtland Seismoactive Region |
G14-07 | Tourmaline-Bearing Leucogranites from the Třebíč Pluton in the Moldanubicum |
G14-08 | Petrology of the Plutonic Rocks in the Polička and Zábřeh Crystalline Units (NE Bohemian Massif |
G14-08 | Shear-Induced Modification of Layering in Rock Salt Complexes |
G14-09 | Tectonics of the Northern Part of the Moravian Karst |
G14-10 | Compositional Zoning in Garnet, a Tool for Understanding of Tectono-Metamorphic Evolution of Metamorphic Complexes:a Case Study from Metabasites of the Kraubath Massif (Eastern Alps) |
G14-11 | Layered Metaigneous Complex of the Veporic Basement with Features of the Variscan and Alpine Metamorphism (the Western Carpathians, Slovak Republic. |
G14-12 | Lithological and Sedimentological Evolution of the Cambrian in the Měnín – 1 Borehole |
G14-13 | Latest Precambrian – Carboniferous Plate Tectonics of the Circum-Carpathian Area. |
G14-14 | Permian-Early Cretaceous Opening of the Carpathian Basis |
G14-15 | Perpendicular Magnetic Fabrics in Granitic Rocks of the Bratislava and Modra Massifs (Malé Karpaty Mts. and thein Tectonic Origins |
G14-16 | Brunovistulian Terrane – Synthesis of Morphostructural Analysis and Geophysical Data (Moravo-Silesian Area, Czech Republic) |
G14-17 | On the Significance of Gneissic Enclaves in the 500 Ma Metagranite, the Lądek-Śnieżnik Metamorphic Unit, the West Sudetes |
G14-18 | Some Petrographic Evidences for Multiphase Deformation of Ultrabasic Rocks from the Sowie Góry Gneiss Block (NE Bohemian Massif |
G14-19 | The Record of Thermal and Shock Metamorphism in Selected H Chondrites |
G14-20 | Orientation of Joints in the Western Bohemia Region, their Role during Post-Variscan Faulting |
G14-21 | Variscan and Post-Variscan Paleostresses on the Southeastern Margin of the Nízký Jeseník Region (Czech Republic |
G14-22 | Magnetic Fabric in Granitoid Plutons of the Jeseníky Mts. and Timing of their Intrusions |
G14-23 | Generalized Angelier-Mechler’s/Arthaud’s Metod |
G14-24 | CELEBRATION 2000: P-Wave Velocity Models of the Bohemian Massif |
G14-25 | Definition of Delta Body in Northern Closure of the Vienna Basin (Sarmatian, Czech Republic |
G14-26 | Variscan High P-T Recrystallization of Ordovician Granitoids in the Veporic Unit (Nízke Tatry Mountains, Western Carpathians):New Petrological and Geochronological Data |
G14-27 | Petrology, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of a Post-Orogenic Variscan Granite: Ševětín Massif, Moldanubian Batholith |
G14-28 | Tectonometamorphic Evolution of the Krzyżnik Mt. Region, the Lądek-Śnieżnik Metamorphic Unit, West Sudetes |
G14-29 | Sedimentary Petrography and Provenance Study as an Indicator of the Evolution of Sedimentary Basin – Southern Part of the Boskovice Furrow (Czech Rep. |
G14-30 | Microstructures and Finite Strain Pattern in Heterogeneous Crustal Extension, an Example from the Vepor Basement of the West Carpathians |
G14-31 | Sheared Metagranitoids in the Ještěd Range Mts.: the Role in the Westward Propagation of the Variscan Orogenic Wedge in the West Sudetes |
G14-32 | Petrogenesis of Gneiss Mylonites from the Niemcza Zone –New Evidence Based on Morphology and Morphometry of Zircons |
G14-33 | Laser-probe 40Ar/39Ar Study of Pseudotachylite and its Host Rock from the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians, Slovakia |
G14-34 | Neoproterozoic High-Grade Transpression in the Kaoko Belt (NW Namibia |
G14-35 | Crystalline Rock Clasts from the Visean Conglomerates – the Missing Link in the Evolution of the Moldanubian Zone? |
G14-36 | Alpine Metamorphism in the Veporicum Unit: Differences in Reaction Mechanisms between Basement and Overlaying Sediments (Inner Western Carpathians |
G14-37 | Syntectonic Emplacement of Leucogranitic Magma dutiny Oblique Transpression: the Boundary between the Vepor and Gemer Units (West Carpathians |
G14-38 | Successive Intrusion of Three Calc-Alkaline Granites dutiny Oblique Transtension: Central Part of the Vosges (NE France |
G14-39 | Deformation Mechanisms, Mineral Chemistry, and P – Wave Velocity Patterns from Mylonitic Metagabbros Deformed at Amphibolite and Granulite Facies Conditions |
G14-40 | P-T Paths within the Variscan Accretionary Prism Based on Illite Crystallinity and b Dimensions of Micas from Metamudrocks of the Kaczawa Mountains, SW Poland |
G14-41 | Regional Extension of Hydrothermal Veins – Result of an Important Deformation Event in the Moravosilesian Paleozoik |
G14-42 | Spatial Relations between Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rock Complexes in the Cieszów Unit Area (Sudetes, SW Poland – Geophysical Implications |
G14-43 | Vertical Facies Variability of the Building Sandstone (Słupiec Formation, Intrasudetic Basin on Example of the Selected Fragments of the Profile from the Vicinity of Nowa Ruda |
G14-44 | Trace Fossils as Indicators of Depositional Sequence Boundaries in Lower Carboniferous Deep-Sea Fan Environment, Moravice Formation, Czech Republic |
G14-45 | Niemcza Zone Granitoids – Durbachites in the Sudetes. |
G14-46 | Palaeomagnetism and its Applications to Tectonics – a Brief Outlook. |
G14-47 | Strain Distribution and Fabric Development Modelled in aktive and Ancient Transpressive Zones. |
G14-48 | Li Isotopic Composition of Foraminiferal Tests and their Host Sediments |
G14-49 | Lower Saxonian Alluvial Deposits: Trutnov Fm., Intra-Sudetic Basin, NE Bohemia |
G14-50 | Geochemistry of the Orthogneisses from the Northern Part of the Lipowe Hills (Eastern Part of the Fore-Sudetic Block) |
G14-51 | Visualization of Paleostress Analysis |
G14-52 | Tectonosedimentary Evolution of NW Bohemia Based on the Digital Elevation Model of Crystalline Basement and Upper Paleozoic Strata: Preliminary Results. |
G14-53 | Fe-Ti Oxides in Selected Volcanic Rocks of the ČeskéStředohoří Mts. |
G14-54 | Tectono-Metamorphic Evolution of the Złoty Stok–Trzebieszowice Shear Zone – West Sudetes, SW Poland |
G14-55 | Structure and Episodic Tectonic Evolution of the Lower Crustal Accretionary Wedge: from Deep Retro-to pro-Wedge Orogenic Fabric |
G14-56 | Paleostress Analysis and Special Slip Indicators on Fault Planes in the Surroundings of Malenovice, W of Zlín Town (Rača Unit, Western Carpathians) |
G14-57 | Metabasites from the Stronie Schists in the Lądek-Śnieżnik Metamorphic Unit, West Sudetes: Geochemistry and P-T-d Path |
G14-58 | Evolution of the Outer Carpathian Accretionary Wedge |
G14-59 | Migmatites and Leucogranites Produced by Muskovite Dehydration Melting on the Example of the Strážovské VrchyMts. (Suchý Core), Western Carpathians. |
G14-60 | Early Stages of Tectonic Evolution of the Pieniny Klippen Belt |
G14-61 | Architecture of Deltaic Bodies Affected by Growth Faulting: Examples from the Bílina Delta (Neogene, Most Basin, Czech Republic |
G14-62 | 3D-Tectonics of the Devonian Rocks near the Adamov Tlen (the Brno Massif) |
G14-63 | The Determination of the PT Conditions during Transition from Steep Syn-Extrusional Fabrics to Horizontal: NE Snieznik Domain |
G14-64 | Provenance and Diagenesis of the Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene Sandstones of the Magura Nappe: Constraints from Cathodoluminescence Study |
G14-65 | Vienna Basin and Adjacent Tectonic Units: Structural-Tectonic Elements Mapped by Means of the Gravimetry |
G14-66 | A Kinematic Model of Structural Development of the Moldanubian Root during the Variscan Orogeny Based on Correlation of Crustal and Mantle Lithosphere Fabrice |
G14-67 | Contacts Between High-P Eclogites and Gneisses in the LądekŚnieżnik Metamorphic Unit, the West Sudetes |
G14-68 | Geochronology of Mid-Devonian Clastic Sediments in the Barrandian, Bohemian Massif |
G14-69 | Apatite Fission Track Analyses from the Polish Western Carpathians |
G14-70 | Preliminary Results of Detailed Seismological Monitoring in Hrubý Jeseník Mts. |
G14-71 | Preliminary Data on P-T Metamorphic Conditions in the Metapelites from the Bystrzyckie Mts. (Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, W Sudetes |
G14-72 | Oxygen Isotope Plagioclase-Based Palaeothermometry and Whole Rock Isotope Dating in the Ślęża Ophiolite Can Be Unreliable |
G14-73 | AMS Fabric of Acid Alkaline Volcanics and Implications to Flow Mechanisms and Emplacement Mode: Examples from České Středohoří Mts. – North Bohemia |
G14-74 | Application of Gamma-Ray Spectrometry in Outcrop to Subsurface Correlation of Shallow-Marine Sandstones: Jizera Formation (Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin |
G14-75 | Hercynite- vs. Kyanite- Bearing Granulites of the Strážek Moldanubicum: Metamorphic and Structural Relationships |
G14-76 | Sedimentology of the Fluvial Deposits of the Nýřany Member, Kladno-Rakovník Basin, Central Bohemia |
G14-77 | Structural Development of the Outer Carpathians (Polish Segment): Progress Report |
G14-78 | An Updated View on the Tectonic Structure of Non-Metamorphosed Variscan Units at the Eastern Margin of the Bohemian Massif |
G14-79 | Stratigraphic Architecture of Cenomanian Palaeovalley Fills,Central Part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: Interplay of Base-Level Change and Tectonic Influences |
G14-80 | Syndepositional Geometry and Post-Depositional Deformation of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin: a Preliminary Model |
G14-81 | Microstructure, EBSD-Measured Texture and Seismic Properties of Mantle Eclogite FRB 1300 from the Premier Mine, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa |
G14-82 | Emplacement of Syenite Intrusion into Transtensional Pull--Apart Domain: Structural Evidences and Magnetic Fabric of the Jihlava Pluton, Moldanubian Zone (Bohemian Massif |
G14-83 | Geological Position of Metabasites of the Kłodzko Metamorphic Unit |
G14-84 | Žulová Batholith: A Post-Orogenic, Fractionated Ilmenite – Allanite I-Type Granite |
G14-85 | A Polyphase Exhumation of Ultra-High-P Eclogites from Nowa Wieś in the Lądek-Śnieżnik Metamorphic Unit, the Sudetes |
G14-86 | Chromium Anomaly in Devonian Metapelite at Petrov (Northern Moravia, Czech Republic |
G14-87 | Magma Chamber Construction during Crustal Thickening and Subsequent Exhumation: An Example of Interplay between Magmatic and Tectonic Processes from the Central Bohemian Batholith (Bohemian Massif) |
G14-88 | Eastern Margin of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (Sierra Nevada Batholith: Magmatic Fabrics, Internal Structures, Host RocksDeformation and Emplacement Models in a Continental IslandArc Magma Chamber |
G14-89 | Excursion Guide |